Rents and service charges

You will need your payment reference number to be able to pay your council house and garage rent online. Your rent is due each Monday for the week ahead and is payable every fortnight in any one of the following ways:

Online and automated telephone payments

This system is certified completely secure and confidential. Go to secure online payments system or telephone 0800 678 3046.

If you have not paid this way before you may wish to read the notes section at the end of the online and automated telephone payments page. You will find that both payment methods guide you through the process.

Direct from your bank

If you have a bank account, or the right type of building society account, you can arrange to pay your rent by standing order or direct debit.

Download the Direct Debit form here.

Standing orders run for a fixed period and allow us to take a set amount from your account. If your rent changes during this fixed period, we will send you a new standing order form to complete. If you would like to pay your rent by standing order, please let us know and we will send you a form to complete.

Direct Debits are an easy and convenient way to pay your rent, which allow us to take an amount from your account each month. They are more flexible than standing orders because we can vary the amount we take from your account each month (if your rent changes) without you having to complete a new instruction form. We will always give you at least 10 days' notice if we are going to change the amount of money we take from your account.

Please note that direct debit payments can only be made monthly and the amount due will come out of your account on or around the 12th of each month.

At the Post Office or a Pay Point Outlet

You can use your personalised swipe card to pay your rent, free of charge, at any post office or any shop displaying the Pay Point sign using cash or a debit card. You should always take the card with you as you will not be able to make a payment without it and make sure that you get a receipt. If you need to know how much to pay, please phone us on 01255 686468 and ask us for your balance.

Wage or salary deductions

If you work for the council, we can arrange for your rent payments to be deducted from your wages or salary, as applicable.

Help with rent payments

If you are unemployed or on a low income, you may be able to get Local housing allowance(housing benefit) to help you pay your rent.

Why not check out our benefit calculator to see if you are entitled to any help with your rent.


Housing Rent Team

88-90 Pier Avenue
Clacton on Sea
CO15 1TN

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