Why we share data, who we share it with and how long we keep it

The Council only collects and uses personal information where it is needed to deliver a service or to meet a legal obligation and may be shared for the same reasons.

Personal information is only kept for as long as is necessary for those identified purposes.  These legal obligations are covered in more detail in the individual service privacy notices available further down this page.

Where it is necessary for us to share your information this will be done in a secure way which has been subjected to a privacy impact assessment (PIA).  Where other organisations process your information on our behalf, this is carried out under contract and an information sharing agreement will be in place between the organisations involved.

Wherever information is needed solely for general or statistical purposes, or is kept for a longer period, we will ensure that all personal identifiers are removed so that it becomes anonymous and therefore no longer ‘personal information’.

Retention Schedule


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