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Recycling Containers

Collection points for container purchases only

If you don't have any or need more recycling containers, these can either be purchased from:

Brightlingsea Town Council (9am to 1pm); or

Clacton Town Hall Reception (9am to 3pm)

The cost for these containers are listed below.  

Alternatively, if you do not have boxes or your current boxes are un-usable, you are able to continue to recycle by presenting materials in a suitable alternative container.  Please do not put recyclable materials in bags or cardboard boxes as this will not be collected.

Container costs for purchases

Red/green box £7.50 each;

Lid for red/green box £2.50 each;

Small indoor food caddy £2.00 each; and

Large outdoor food caddy £5.00 each

Exchanging container broken during collection

This is a delivery service only; collection points cannot exchange broken containers.

To request a replacement container, email with details and photo of damaged and unusable container, or telephone 01255 686788 to request exchange.

We will only replace a TDC container which is unusable.

The broken container must be kept by the householder and available for collection on exchange or exchange will not take place.

All damaged containers are recycled by a specialist contractor to make more bins and boxes.

Households can continue to use any fit for purpose reusable container.

Lost or stolen container

If your container is lost or stolen, it’s the responsibility of the householder to purchase a new one.

Why are we charging for containers?

Due to ongoing cost pressures placed upon the Council, we are no longer able to offer these containers free of charge.

Find out your collection days

You can find out which day of the week your recycling boxes, food waste caddy and black sack waste/wheelie bin is collected by looking at your collection calendar. To view your collection information please use the links below.  Please note that you should present your refuse and recycling for collection on the boundary of your property before 7am.

Check your collection day on our customer portal

Missed collection - What can I do if my recycling or refuse hasn’t been collected?

Please note this is the responsibility of Veolia so before reporting a missed collection to the Council, please check your collection details to make sure you have presented your waste/recycling on the correct day.  Then please check all the correct items are in the correct boxes and have been placed on your boundary correctly. If you have a yellow sticker on your recycling box then this means an incorrect item has been placed in the box, please refer to this and remove item. Unfortunately Veolia are not able to re-collect if an incorrect item was placed in the box, this will now be collected on your next pick up date for that particular box.

If your rubbish or recycling is missed, you should report it to us between 5pm of your scheduled collection day and midnight of the next working day via our 'Report your missed collection' on our customer portal. We will then arrange for it to be collected up by our contractors within 48 hours.'

Gull proof rubbish sacks

Following successful trials of the bags in Clacton Town Centre seagull proof bags are now available to all residents across Tendring. The bags which are reusable; are made of polypropylene material and can hold two to three black bags inside. They have a rubber weighted base to stop the bags from blowing away once emptied and have a Velcro lid to stop birds and animals from gaining access, along with handles to help carry the bag.  

Information for residents living in flats or multiple occupancy dwellings

We have alternative collection methods for flats and multiple occupancy houses. Residents of these properties will be notified of their individual arrangements. If you would like more information on this please refer to our Recycling for Flats page.

Assisted Collections

If all the residents of the property are elderly or disabled and have difficulty presenting the bin to the boundary of the property, assisted collections are available.  If you require this assistance please complete our online Assisted Collection form.

Information for residents without recycling boxes or caddies

You can find the contact details and locations of our sites on our handy recycling box collection point page.

You can find all the information you need on how to fill and prepare your recycling boxes and food waste caddy for collection on our dedicated receptacle pages.

Red recycling box information
Green recycling box information
Food waste caddy information



Town Hall
Station Road
CO15 1SE

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