Smokefree - What should businesses be doing?

Employers, managers and those in charge of smokefree premises and vehicles need to:

  • display 'no smoking' signs in smokefree premises
  • take reasonable steps to ensure that staff, customers, members and visitors
    are aware that  premises and vehicles are legally required to be smokefree
  • ensure that no one smokes in smokefree premises or vehicles

You should remember that indoor smoking rooms, which were still common in workplaces, are no longer allowed, so anyone wishing to smoke has to go outside instead.  See the Guidance on smoking shelter page for more information on smoking shelters.

Recent research showed that nearly one in four employers thinks they are already compliant with the smoking ban when they are not. Confusion centres on the provision of a smoking room within the workplace.

In the study by Croner, 24 per cent of businesses wrongly thought a smoking room was allowed.

Implementing Smokefree Regulations

You should also take these supportive measures:

  • remove ashtrays from smokefree areas
  • develop a smokefree policy in consultation with staff
  • provide your staff and customers with support to quit smoking
  • ensure that your staff and customers know where they can smoke if they
    choose to

Go to the Smokefree England website for:

  • a checklist for businesses of what you should be doing
  • advice on how to develop a smokefree policy, with sample policies
  • frequently asked questions and case studies
  • Premises and Enforcement Regulations and Smokefree Signs Regulations to


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