Jaywick Sands is a unique and vibrant community with a rich history and a bright future. But it also faces some big challenges, such as poor housing quality, flood risk, lack of connectivity, and limited economic opportunities. That’s why Tendring District Council has been working with local residents, community groups, and other partners to develop a long-term plan to address these issues and make Jaywick Sands a better place to live, work, and visit.
This plan is called the Jaywick Sands Place Plan, and it sets out a vision and a strategy for the next 20 years.
The Place Plan has been produced in consultation with the community and key stakeholders, drawing on the latest research and evidence.
It includes a range of actions and projects to improve the area, such as:
The Place Plan can be viewed here.
Positive steps for local residents have been made with the recent delivery of the Sunspot development, new social housing and the formation of the Healthy Homes Team to improve local housing standards. These are some of the examples of how the Place Plan is already making a difference in Jaywick Sands. We want to build on this momentum and achieve more in the future.
On Friday 17th February 2023 TDC Cabinet adopted the Jaywick Sands Design Guide as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). As an SPD it forms part of adopted planning policy, and as such planning applications will be measured against its criteria when being assessed. TDC views the ongoing regeneration of Jaywick Sands as an opportunity to improve the safety of existing residents. The SPD supports the approach to allow new development, including new dwellings, in the area and to manage risk from flooding through bespoke building design rather than by resisting development. Clear guidance helps the applicant, the community and the Council facilitate regeneration which benefits the community as a whole.
It addresses issues such as character, flood safety, scale and building form and streetscapes; as well as setting minimum space standards and guidance on sustainability and accessibility.
Copies of the Design Guide linked below are available to view at Jaywick Martello Tower, Jaywick Community & Resource Centre, Inclusion Ventures, Clacton Town Hall and Clacton Library during their normal opening hours.
Follow the links below to access the Design Guide and the full suite of supporting documents.
Jaywick Sands Design Guide SPD
Jaywick Sands Design Guide SPD - Adoption Statement
Jaywick Sands Design Guide SPD - Consultation Statement
JaywickSands Equality Impact Assessment
JaywickSands Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Statement
SEAStatutory Consultee Responses
JaywickSands Design Guide SPD Statutory Notice
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