Essex County Council are the Highway Authority for the Tendring Area and most Highways functions are carried out by them.
You can report a problem or submit an enquiry about highways in Essex (including potholes in the road, faulty street lighting, damaged bus shelters, footpaths or Public Rights of Way)
Online: Essex County Council Report a Highway Problem
Telephone: Highways 24 hour Incident Line - 0345 603 7631
For more information view Essex County Council's Highway web page.
The A130 Bypass between Howe Green interchange (A132) and the A127 route is managed by County Route - telephone 0845 351 1130.
Trunk Roads (A12, A120) and motorways are maintained by the Highways England - telephone 0300 123 5000.
Click this link to view a full list of Essex County Council's contact details.
For information about other local highway issues and how we are able to help go to Tendring District Council's Highway Responsibilities page.
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