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Tendring District Council supports Keep Britain Tidy's Great British Spring Clean


Tendring District Council (TDC) is appealing to local residents and businesses to pledge to litter pick one bag of rubbish - or more - for Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean campaign, now in its ninth year.

This year’s campaign, which runs from Friday, 15 to Sunday, 31 March, reminds the British public that the environment ‘belongs to everyone’, calling for us all to show pride in our communities by taking part in the mass action litter pick.

Individuals, groups, or schools can pledge their support on the charity’s website, even making a platinum pledge to honour the charity’s 70th anniversary by picking 70 items, 70 bags, or spending 70 minutes in the great outdoors litter-picking.

All those who take part can be nominated for the Great British Spring Clean Awards - the Golden Globes of the litter-fighting community (one might even call them the Green Globes!) - to officially recognise and reward volunteers.

Mark Stephenson, TDC Leader, shared his delight with the campaign, which champions the local environment.

“We are fortunate to have so many diverse beauty spots in the district – from our award-winning Blue Flag beaches to our Green Flag parks that support precious wildlife habitats – which we want to protect for years to come,” said Councillor Stephenson.

“It’s also about keeping our towns and villages looking their best, to increase pride in our area, and with so many excellent community litter-picking groups up and down Tendring why not lend a hand to them, or even organise your own clean up?

“We can help provide equipment and collection of rubbish, so please get in touch with us and remember to tag us on social media so we can share your achievements.”

The charity reports that last year 96% of participants agreed that they felt they had made a difference to their local area and 84% agreed that the Great British Spring Clean helped them to feel inspired to do more to protect the environment.

Keep Britain Tidy’s Chief Executive, Allison Ogden-Newton OBE, said: “The Great British Spring Clean simply would not be possible without the backing of our community partners.

“We are so grateful for the ongoing support from Tendring District Council, residents, and businesses.

“The Great British Spring Clean is a fantastic way for councils to support residents to really show their pride in where they live, and connect with like-minded people, while taking serious and immediate action to protect the environment on their doorstep.

“During this year’s campaign, we are highlighting that the environment belongs to everyone, and that everyone is welcome to join in with our activities and 70th anniversary celebrations.

“Local authorities play a critical role in engaging and supporting volunteers on the ground. Whether it’s a pledge to pick one bag - or 70 for our anniversary, those in the Tendring District can feel proud to see their armies of #LitterHeroes volunteers carrying out these acts of kindness to make the environment a cleaner, safer place for our future generations”.

For those interested in organising a litter picking event, TDC have a supply of litter pickers, hoops, and bags and can also arrange for the collection and disposal of collected waste. Please contact us on 01255 686788 or email

To make a pledge, visit the Keep Britain Tidy website and use the hashtags #GBSpringClean #BigBagChallenge on social media.

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