You can report the following via our online report forms:
Information about reporting noise complaints can found on our Noise page.
For all other anti-social behaviour issues, including those below, please use the anti-social behaviour report form:
We cannot deal with the following issues, however they can be reported to the Police using their online reporting service
Many people here worry a lot about crime and anti-social behaviour, but Tendring is actually one of the safest places to live in Essex.
An alternative option to report anti-social behaviour is to call our anti-social behaviour reporting answerphone on 01255 686359 or email, please include as much detail in the email as possible, eg location, date, time etc.
If you are reporting Anti Social behaviour on Council land or in a Council property please email
Please help us improve our website by giving us feedback you'd like to on this page. If you'd like to remain anonymous you can omit your name and email. Thanks, Tendring District Council.