The Council has a statutory responsibility to consult with Business Ratepayers and to meet this responsibility the Council has set out, in the tables in the link below, the relevant information in respect of the Council's draft 2025/26 budget for consultation.
If you have any questions or wish to provide comments in response to the Council's draft 2025/26 budget, then please either email them to:
or send to BUSINESS RATES BUDGET CONSULTATION, Finance and IT Services, Town Hall, Station Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO15 1SE.
All responses and feedback received will be made available to Members when they consider the Council's Budget for 2025/26. The Council’s budget will be formally considered by Council on 11th February 2025.
Many thanks for the feedback you provide.
Budget Consultation with Business Ratepayers 2025-26 tables
If you would like further details behind the Councils draft budget such as explanations for changes compared to last year, then please follow the link below to the latest forecast / budget proposals for 2025/26 on the Council's website.
Links to Reports that set out the detail behind the development of the Forecast/Budget for 2025/26:
Please help us improve our website by giving us feedback you'd like to on this page. If you'd like to remain anonymous you can omit your name and email. Thanks, Tendring District Council.